When I was a child, I was particularly fascinated by stories about giants. I didn't have to defeat giants, but I wanted to get a magical seed occasionally, grow a vine, and climb up to the sky along it. So I always secretly poked the watermelon seeds and longan kernels I spit out into the flower pots where my mother was growing flowers. They all sprouted, but unfortunately my mother was always quick to deal with them as weeds, so I am still on the ground. This Monstera deliciosa more or less satisfied my childhood fantasy of planting a vine that reaches the sky in the house. At first I thought it grew too slowly, but then I realized it grew too fast. Now it is in the middle of the room, but it has been climbing towards the bright place on the balcony. An old bookshelf can support a giant vine. It's great to have a big vine at home. It's a place where you can sit down and read while dreaming. @Home Potato @Decoration Potato @Captain Potato
Jack peas in the house
2024-07-23 15:54:40