Propagation Tips for Monstera Thai Constellation


Propagating a Monstera Thai Constellation can be a fun and rewarding process. Whether you're looking to expand your collection or share with friends, here are some effective propagation tips.

Stem Cuttings

One of the most common methods to propagate Thai Constellation Monstera is through stem cuttings. Cut a healthy stem with at least one node and a few leaves. Place the cutting in water or directly into soil.

Air Layering

Air layering is another effective method. Wrap a section of the stem with moist sphagnum moss and cover it with plastic wrap. Once roots develop, cut the stem below the rooted area and plant it in soil.


If your Monstera Thai Constellation is large enough, you can divide the plant at the root level. Carefully separate the roots and replant each section in its own pot.

By using these propagation techniques, you can successfully grow new Monstera Thai Constellation plants.